Happy National Volunteer Week! This week is a commemoration of all the beautiful volunteers that accomplish great things in our communities and fuel the fire behind local nonprofits. The altruistic act of volunteering, of doing something for the benefit of others that is selfless, is a staple in the betterment of our community health, environment, and economy. Each day volunteers come to our farm to help this process of betterment. Volunteers have stuck it out with us in the fields this year as it rains for 4 hours in January to complete the harvest, come in on their only morning off to guide a field trip, weeded for six hours, and braved wasp stings, fire ant bites and sun rash all in the hope of betterment. Thank you all who have come out to volunteer this year you are a huge part of what keeps this farm going.
If you’re interested in getting involved as a volunteer we have TLC for TNC volunteer day tomorrow, Sunday April 19th to help work on the new educational plant walk, PestoFesto volunteers are still needed (reply to the newsletter if you’re interested), and as our education program grows we need more dedicated Field Trip Guides to teach our community where their food comes from.
Thank you for being a part of our community!