Community Supported Agriculture

CSA Harvest Shares for the 2024-2025 season are available now!  We invite you to come to the Sunday Sweetwater farmers market to purchase produce. Thank you for all of your support as we continue to grow. Please visit the Sweetwater Cafe on Sunday to purchase by check, cash or card or visit our online store to purchase, click here. Thank you


Sweetwater Organic Community Farm was established in 1995 as a community-supported, nonprofit, urban organic farm and education center.  Our farm community is made up of CSA Members and non-Members.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) was introduced to the U.S. in 1985 to promote fresh, locally grown food and foster social and ecological responsibility. CSAs establish a direct partnership between farmers and consumers, allowing members to share the risks and rewards of farming while enjoying a sense of responsibility for appropriate land stewardship.

What is a CSA Member?

Families and individuals become CSA Members by paying a seasonal fee, which entitles them to a share of our weekly vegetable harvest from November to May.  The farm is also open to non-members.  While non-members are not entitled to a weekly share, they are encouraged to enjoy our Sunday Farmers’ Market, monthly workshops, volunteer opportunities, special events, farm tours, and produce bags when available.

Benefits of CSA Membership

Membership in our CSA affords access to the freshest possible organic produce, while supporting local, sustainable, healthy agriculture in Tampa Bay.  Because we’re an educational farm, your membership supports hands-on ecological education through our volunteer program, field trip program and workshops.  We’re a community farm, so members enjoy building relationships with our farmers, volunteering, and learning about how their food is grown!

How do I become a CSA Member?

To become a member of Sweetwater’s CSA you must click on the link and pay for a Full Membership or visit the Sweetwater Farm Cafe on Sunday 10am-4pm.  Memberships for the November through May Season are being accepted now.  We accept memberships until we have sold the total number of shares we will have available for the next Season.  Members pay for their seasonal share before the Season begins.   Then Members simply come to the farm to pick up their freshly-harvested organic vegetables each week on Sunday between 12pm and 3pm starting November 26th 2023.  Half Memberships may be available later in the season, depending on this season’s yield.