First potato harvest of the season this week! The first batch will be dug up as ‘new’ potatoes since the skin hasn’t been allowed to cure. This just means they need to be eaten within a week or so. This week we will mow the top part of the plants of the remaining crop, to allow the skins to cure. These potatoes can then be stored several months in dark cool conditions.
This season we are trying out a new variety (for sweetwater) of summer squash. It is a type of patty pan squash called Sunburst with a bright golden color. The fruits are tender at any size and can be eaten raw in a salad or for dipping, sauteed, grilled or even fried.
Great time of the year to be making herbal iced teas, mint is especially refreshing. Try using solar power to infuse your teas, just place some mint sprigs and water in a glass jar with lid and leave in the sun for a day. Strain and enjoy.
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped with our PestoFesto event this year!!!