Early bird gets the worm

A friendly reminder to our St Pete Members – you know the old saying “the early bird gets the worm”?  Grab your pen and checkbook because it really does apply in your case.  There are only 50 memberships available for pick-up at our St Pete location because of limited space in our van to transport the fresh veggies!  March is your chance to renew your membership before we open to the public.  On April 1, memberships will become available to new members.  Once we are sold out, we are sold out, and the early bird gets the worm.

But everyone gets the mint… it is growing out of control! Mint makes a very refreshing tea which aids in digestion, just steep a few sprigs in hot water. Or use fresh leaves in a wrap with lettuce, shredded carrots and shredded Daikon, enjoy. Or you can simply hang bunches in a room or car as an all-natural air freshener.


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