The cold weather is here and we are prepared!

We have covered all the cold-sensitive plants and preharvested many other of the fall crops in anticipation of frost this week. Special thanks to our dedicated farm staff that worked so hard on their day off in order to protect the crops. This is the transitional time of the season when we are finishing harvesting the warm weather crops like squash, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant and will soon begin to harvest the winter vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and spinach.

Hope everyone is enjoying all those wonderful greens and learning all new ways to prepare them. One fun simple idea for Pac Choi is to cut the stems into sticks and spread peanut butter on them, yummy snacks. Then you can take the remaining leaves and through them in your salad mix. Happy eating.


We have a compost bin in the chicken yard that members are welcome to use for their kitchen scraps. Make sure to remove rubber bands, zip ties and plastic bags before putting your scraps in the bin. Please make sure to put all scraps inside the bin and close the lid, we cannot be resposible for emptying your kitchen scrap bags. Thank you.

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