Spring Begins!

Spring officially begins this week which signals a time for growth and renewal for many forms of life, including us humans.  We tend to do our Spring cleaning and really begin our New Year’s resolutions.  We plant our own gardens and flowers and spend more time outdoors enjoying the warmth and beauty that Florida delivers this time of year.

It’s also a time for planning ahead for the summer months and possibly vacations or projects.  Sweetwater Farm will be planning too.  We’re gearing up for the last couple of months of our season and planning fun Earth Day and end of season fun.  Mark your calendars for Earth Day on April 22nd and PestoFesto on May 5th!  Be sure to join us for food, fun, and community.

We’re also planning our upcoming season and setting our budget and looking to our future.  We hope that our current Members are also planning ahead for next season and will be renewing their CSA memberships during this special renewal pricing period (happening now until the end of May).  Remember that all renewal applications need to be in and paid in full by May 31 in order to receive the lower rate.

Please let us know if we can answer any questions or concerns.  And Happy Spring!


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