Something About Muir

Arggg, more heavy rain. By more, we estimate we received 5 solid inches at the farm. Luckily at this time of year most of the crops can withstand the mighty deluge we experienced this past week. The greens are among the many strong crops that are still looking and tasting great.   In particular the Muir lettuce stands out this week for its bright color and crisp, bright taste. The Muir lettuce is a Batavian type of lettuce (AKA summer crisp) and is known for its crunchy leaves and heat tolerance. Kenny, Lead Farmer and novice lettuce historian, claims this lettuce might have received it’s name from the great conservationist John Muir. He hardily believes this, as both Muirs are known for adapting well to their outdoor environments.

Community members can still sign up for a CSA vegetable share this season and try new, unique and nutritious crop varieties like the Muir Lettuce. Our crops are harvested the morning you pick them up, so you are get not only organic produce but the absolutely freshest produce as well. Get the word out on the benefits of joining a CSA and help support local agriculture. For more information on signing up for a CSA membership please click here.

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